Getty This Week





All-Staff Update September 15, 2020

Getty staff, docents, and volunteers are invited to join an all-staff update on Tuesday, September 15, at 10:30 a.m. via Zoom webinar. The webinar will include an update from the Board of Trustees and a report on diversity, equity and inclusion. Please note that more than 1,000 people join the webinar, and that interactive Zoom elements, including chat, will unfortunately not be possible.

COVID-19 Case Update

The last time we shared the number of positive cases with you, there were 8 between the Center and Villa. We have had five additional cases at the Center in the last three weeks, from both Getty employees and our on-site contract employees. All individuals who were in close contact with anyone who tested positive have already been notified. The good news is that there have been no new cases at the Villa and none of the cases were contracted on our sites. This is a good reminder that what you do when not at Getty potentially impacts your coworkers. If you want to get a COVID-19 test, the attached list provides a variety of ways to find where those testing sites are located.

Villa Perimeter Road Repair

For the next two months, crews will be replacing asphalt on the Villa perimeter road. Staff can expect heavy machinery and some delays as trucks enter and exit, but will access the site and park as usual.

Getty Library Curbside Pickup September 1–3

Staff may request up to 20 general library items to take home through curbside pickup service in September. All requests made in the Library Catalog before Friday, August 21, will be available at the curbside pickup located at the TOH turnaround at the Getty Center Tuesday, September 1–Thursday, September 3.

Boxed items will be isolated for 9 days in accordance with the current state of research for library materials handling within the cultural heritage community. Any items requested after August 20th will be available for pick up at the next curbside service.

During curbside service, you may also return any Getty Library books that you have at home, but do not return those currently in your office or workstation. Please see the attached PDFs for a FAQ and detailed instructions on booking your appointment for curbside service using Reservio, our reservation system. We hope this method of delivery service will be helpful as you work from home, and look forward to increasing library services overall in the months ahead.

Energy Reduction at Center and Villa Today

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has asked the Getty to reduce electricity use today, August 17, 1–5 p.m. We are implementing the following measures at both the Center and Villa:

  • Reducing lighting
  • Increasing temperatures in non-art related areas
  • Shutting down selected elevators

Staff are asked to help out as well. During this time:

  • Turn off all non-essential lighting, signage, displays, and office equipment not in use
  • Offices and workstations with exterior windows should have sufficient natural light—if additional lighting is required, use task lighting instead of overhead lighting
  • Use window shades and blinds to keep offices cooler
  • Close laboratory hood sashes when not attending
  • Consider using the stairs instead of the elevator

Please contact Michael Jordan at 310-440-7775 with any questions.

Working From Home Technology Resource Center

Did you know there’s a page on GO for technical information related to working from home? Getty Digital’s Working Offsite page compiles ways to connect to the Getty network, software you can access, and equipment recommendations. Plus it links to other forms and documents you might need, all in one place.

Fitness Center Virtual Classes

Stay connected and get that personal touch for your workouts with the Fitness Center's Zoom classes. Coming soon: added offerings for the fall and options for busy parents, in addition to one-on-one guidance about setting up your own at-home workouts. View the class schedule in the attached PDF and online at Getty HR.



Bauhaus: Building the New Artist Award Nomination

The International Committee of Architecture Critics (CICA) has short-listed the GRI’s Bauhaus: Building the New Artist online exhibition for a 2020 Dennis Sharp CICA award. Bauhaus was nominated for the CICA Marina Waisman Digital Communication Award. Winners will be announced in summer 2021. The CICA operates within the International Union of Architects, the most widely recognized organization of professional designers. Congratulations to all who helped bring this exhibition to life!

Preserving a Church in Earthquake-Prone Peru

Earthen buildings are vulnerable to earthquakes, and the Comunidad Campesina Kuñotambo, a village in Peru founded in the 17th century, has suffered many. Over time, these earthquakes seriously damaged its beautiful historic church. In 2005, the church was forced to shutter altogether. But last summer, the residents of Kuñotambo celebrated the reopening and rededication of their much-loved church after years of painstaking conservation work led by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura de Cusco. The techniques used in this case study project demonstrate how earthen structures can withstand earthquakes, and has relevance in many other places that commonly use earth as a building material. Watch the story of the road to conservation and the reopening celebration.



Getty Anniversaries This Week

Five Years

  • Thao Nguyen, A.P. and Payroll Services

10 Years

  • Karen Hellman, Photographs, Museum

35 Years

  • Julia Tranner, General Counsel, Legal


Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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