Getty This Week



Safety Measures Onsite

We have received some questions recently about safety measures for workers at all Getty sites. We spoke with Mike Rogers, Director of Facilities; Bob Combs, Director of Security and Visitor Services; and Nancy Gibson, Director of Human Resources; about the ways in which all three Getty sites—Villa, Center, and the Library Annex—are being kept safe for staff. See the attached PDF. Please contact your supervisor with questions or concerns, or email

COVID-19 Survey Comments

On our recent COVID-19 survey, we asked two open-ended questions: What do you think would help employees in our organization during this outbreak? What information do you think would help employees during this outbreak?

More than half of the 836 staff who took the survey answered one or both of these questions, and several themes have emerged: the challenges of working from home, including the number and length of Zoom meetings, expected productivity, support for parents, etc.; the need for continued and clear communication and connection with staff; and concerns about safety for those working on site now and in the future, when more staff return and, eventually, when we open to the public.

We take your feedback seriously and are developing ways to address your concerns. We will share updates on the issues you have raised in future communications. Thank you to everyone who took the survey.

Listening Forums and Learning Sessions led by JONES Team

We have had a great response to the sessions announced last week.  Almost all of the forums or sessions are full and we’re asking JONES to provide more available dates. If you don’t get into a session for which you registered, you will be placed on a waiting list and given priority when additional sessions are added. We’re glad to see such strong participation! You may still register for the upcoming Unconscious Bias workshops and as soon as we have additional dates for other sessions, we’ll share registration information.

AQMD Rideshare Survey Reminder

Last week, staff received this year’s South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) survey about their commute to work. Responses to the survey are due by Friday, August 14, so if you haven’t yet completed the survey, please do so by the end of the week. Staff with Getty email received an email with a link to the commute survey, and staff without Getty email received a hard copy form to complete. If you have questions about how to fill out this year’s commute survey, please send them to your rideshare coordinator Hilary Martinez at

Employee Well-Being

Employee Well-Being is very important to us. If you are struggling during these difficult times, here’s a reminder that the Getty’s Aetna and UnitedHealthcare medical plans provide coverage for mental health care both virtually and in person.

UnitedHealthcare: 800-999-9585, Virtual Visits: to download a virtual visit app.
Aetna: 877-869-4077, Virtual Visits:

All benefit-eligible employees can also utilize the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for confidential, short-term counseling services and resources at no cost, as well as referrals to providers covered by your Getty insurance. Contact Health Advocate, the Getty’s EAP partner, for more information, at 866-799-2728.

Save the Date: Virtual Financial Wellness Day

Getty’s financial wellness provider, My Secure Advantage (MSA), will offer a free virtual day of workshops on September 9. Hour-long workshops will include topics on budgeting, rebuilding after a financial setback, and becoming debt-free. Look for additional information in the coming weeks about the workshop schedule and registration.



Welcome, Year Up Los Angeles Interns

We would like to welcome our new class of interns from Year Up Los Angeles. This is our fifth year with the program and we are excited to continue our partnership. Starting (remotely) today, three students will be joining Getty Digital in the areas of Getty Applications and Project Management, Network Services, and Software Architecture and UX. The six-month internship will provide the students with mentorship, hands-on experience, and professional development in their fields of interest. Please join us in extending a warm Getty welcome to Lianne Gabriel, Jesus Herrera Rizo, and Dane Parker, and learn more about them in the attached PDF.



The Medieval History of Netflix’s Cursed

The elusive Lady of the Lake from the legends of King Arthur is the leading character Nimue, in Netflix’s new action-and-magic-packed series Cursed. Based on the 2019 graphic novel of the same name, Cursed draws upon over 1,000 years of Arthuriana, the literary and visual traditions about the mytho-historical ruler of early medieval Britain. Larisa Grollemond and Bryan C. Keene, curators in the Museum’s Department of Manuscripts, discuss on the Iris how King Arthur stories have evolved over time and how closely Netflix’s new version follows Arthur adaptations of the past.

Finding Dora Maar Podcast

When Brigitte Benkemoun bought a leather diary case from eBay, she did not expect to find a small address book tucked into the back. And she certainly didn’t expect that book to contain the names of some of the most renowned figures of 20th century Paris—names like Andr&#eacute; Breton, Brassaï, Jean Cocteau, and Jacques Lacan. She began researching these contacts until she uncovered the identity of the address book’s former owner: the surrealist artist Dora Maar. In this episode of Art + Ideas, Benkemoun discusses the provocative life of Dora Maar and the book that resulted from her research, a unique blend of detective story, biography, memoir, and cultural history.



Getty Anniversaries This Week

Five years

  • Karen Levine, Publications Editorial, Pubs


15 years

  • Ricki McDowell, Administration, GCI
  • Martik Martirossian, Library Services, GRI
  • Tia Woodruff, Library Services, GRI


25 years

  • Jane Niles, Tech Training and Communication, Getty Digital

Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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