Getty This Week



Employee Investment Plan

As you’re probably aware, the government recently passed a $2 trillion stimulus package called the CARES Act to help people facing financial strain during the pandemic. The package includes key provisions affecting the Getty’s 403(b) plan that may help employees facing financial challenges due to COVID-19. Read about the changes.

New Digital Weight Loss Program

It can sometimes be difficult to eat healthy and stay active while spending more time at home. UnitedHealthcare is now offering a free new weight loss program called Real Appeal. Real Appeal is available to staff and dependents enrolled in the Getty UnitedHealthcare HMO plans. For additional details visit the Real Appeal website.

Free Mental Health Support Available

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way we live and work, and has created new challenges affecting many of us. Health Advocate’s Employee Assistance Program is here to help support you and your family members. To learn more about free mental health counselling, go to the Health Advocate website or call 866-799-2728. Mental health support can also be accessed by telemedicine support with either Aetna or UnitedHealthcare. Please go to Getty HR and click on the Telemedicine banner for additional details.

Staying Cyber Safe While Working Safer at Home

Check out this two-minute video from our cyber defense training partner, KnowBe4, on tips for staying cyber safe while working remotely. The video is available on GO. Check the announcements on the GO home page for the link.

Better Together Virtual 5K The Fitness Center is inviting you to join in the Health Fitness Better Together Virtual 5k run/walk series! In this home 5K, practice safe social distancing as you walk or run the equivalent of a 5K (3.1 miles) over each of four weekends. Sign up now at to participate. All participants will be awarded certificates upon completion.


Survey on This Year’s Virtual Digital Share

Digital Share has been a wonderful way to connect across the Getty and foster community among staff. The Digital Share committee would like to ask your thoughts on holding a Virtual Digital Share this year, where we share via Zoom meetings or other online platforms. Please respond to this survey so we can try to organize something that will best benefit our community's needs at this time.

GCI’s Managing Collection Environments Project

Joel Taylor, GCI senior project specialist, and Caitlin Spangler-Bickell, GCI graduate intern, recently participated in an online conversation hosted by the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists in which they discussed the work of the Institute’s Managing Collection Environments project—in particular, the changing view of what constitutes appropriate environmental standards for loan agreements between collecting institutions.


Johann Moritz Rugendas Landscapes Webinar

Following in the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt, the Bavarian painter Johann Moritz Rugendas traveled across the Americas for more than 14 years in the first half of the 19th century. During this time, he produced a large number of drawings, oil paintings, and watercolors. Through the analysis of depictions of the Jorullo volcano and the basalt columns of Regla, in Mexico, this lecture will consider the significance of Humboldtian aesthetics within the visual reimagination of the Americas after postcolonial modernization. Join the webinar today at 3pm by clicking on this Zoom link. RSVP is not required, but there is a cap of 100 guests.

Virtual Walk Through the Central Garden

While the Getty Center is temporarily closed, the fountains are resting, the grass is growing lush, and the plants are enjoying a rejuvenating pruning for spring. Join Brian Houck, the head of Grounds and Gardens at Getty, for a stroll around the Central Garden and discover what’s happening in the life of the garden right now. Watch the video on the Iris.


Anniversaries This Week

Five Years

  • Kristen Carter, Software Architecture and UX, Getty Digital
  • Daniel Spaulding, Curatorial, GRI

Ten Years

  • Tony Sepe, Security Operations, Security
  • Joshua Hanley, Security Operations, Security

Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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