Getty This Week



Exempt Employee Timecards During Coronavirus

Beginning with the current pay period, exempt employees should use the code OHP for any full days where you did not perform work for the Getty or did not use sick, vacation, or personal time.

Learning while "Safer at Home"

Now can be a great time to work on developing some of your professional skills. LinkedIn Learning (formerly called Lynda) is an online learning library with over 15,000 courses on business, technology, and creative topics. As a Getty employee, you can sign up for access, with no charge to your department, by sending an email to Some popular courses among Getty staff include Communicating in the Language of Leadership, Remote Work Foundations, Learning Python, and Learning Zoom.

Sharing Files and Editing in the Cloud

Office 365 Online (available to all staff with an email address) and GSuite (available by request) are two great ways to share files with colleagues and make edits through browser-based applications. On GO, see our new Quick Reference Guides on the Office 365 Online and GSuite software pages. Or watch the Using Cloud Applications video for an overview.

Subscribe to the "Get Inspired" E-Newsletter

During the coronavirus closure, the monthly "What's On" e-newsletter has been replaced by a weekly email that features ways you can get inspired from home. Discover something soothing to look at, an activity for kids, and learn a new fact or art technique. Subscribe by entering your information and clicking the box for "Subscribe to What's On."

Free Virtual Exercise Classes

While the Getty Fitness Center is closed, you can still work up a sweat from home. Classes are hosted by Fitness Center exercise physiologists through Zoom and include options like yoga, circuit training/resistance, and high-intensity cardio. Check out the class schedule attached to this email.

MSA Gift Card Winner & Financial Wellness Symposium Resources

Thank you to everyone who participated in the March Financial Wellness Symposium. Human Resources posted some helpful links and handouts from the Symposium on their website, including tips for estate planning, tools from Vanguard, and information on retiree medical coverage and Medicare. My Secure Advantage (MSA) also chose a winner of the $100 Amazon gift card, from among the employees who took their online financial assessment: Congratulations to Lisa Davis! You can always access MSA's services by logging on to their webpage from any computer.


Call for Submissions: Getty Research Journal

The Getty Research Journal will begin biannual publication in 2021, and submissions received by July 1, 2020, will be considered for the inaugural fall 2021 issue. Published twice a year, in February and in August, the journal will continue to feature the work of art historians, museum curators, and conservators around the world as part of the Getty's mission to promote the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world's artistic legacy. Submissions of original scholarship relevant to the Getty's initiatives, research projects and themes, and collections are welcome. Find instructions for submitting here.

GCI Staff Bibliography

Throughout the year, Getty Conservation Institute staff presents at conferences, teaches workshops, publishes articles in peer-reviewed journals, authors book chapters and blogs, and creates videos about the GCI's work. This important activity is captured in the Institute's annual bibliography—the latest, for 2019, contains 221 citations. See the full list here.

Animal Crossing Art Generator Tool

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a video game that allows players to design a dream island lifestyle from the comfort and safety of their homes. You can plant and grow fruit trees, trade clothing with friends, design your house, and collect bugs, fish, and fossils for your island's natural history museum. And now art lovers can add museum artworks to their game with a new tool developed by the Getty Digital team: the Animal Crossing Art Generator. Follow these instructions to learn how to bring any image in Getty's Open Content Program into your game and use it on clothing, wallpaper, canvas, and more.


Smartphone Photography Fundamentals

For families looking for outlets for their stuck-at-home teen, Getty's Unshuttered tutorials explore the fundamentals of photography. Even if you can't go out, you can still learn about perspective, composition, shot size, lighting, and portraiture. All you need is your phone camera and a little bit of time to practice. Check out the Iris for some photography lessons, and use your creativity to do these exercises at home.

Larry Coben on Preserving Cultural Heritage Sites

In 2010, archaeologist Larry Coben founded the Sustainable Preservation Initiative (SPI) to address the challenge of preserving sites in areas of great poverty, which are under threat not only from catastrophic events like war and natural disasters but also from daily use and lack of resources. He pioneered an approach that provides training and support to communities living near cultural heritage sites, empowering them to turn preservation into economic opportunity. In this Art + Ideas podcast episode, Coben discusses his unusual path from lawyer and energy executive to archaeologist, sharing the work that inspired his innovative approach to cultural heritage preservation. Larry Coben is also featured on a Zoom webinar this afternoon at 3pm to which staff are invited.


Anniversaries this week

Five Years

  • Patrice Eguchi, Human Resources


Comings and Goings

See how the Getty community is changing—and welcome new co-workers.

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