Getty This Week

WEEKLY STAFF NEWS | 04.05.2021




Return to Work Update

During last week’s All-Staff meeting, Steve Olsen provided an updated timeline for reopening the museums and returning to offices. Although we are opening sites to visitors in mid-April and mid-May, the rules for office staff returning to work have yet to be determined by state and local officials. It is unlikely that any office staff will be returning until July, and regular schedules for office staff might not resume until September. Employees returning to work will be required to wear masks and maintain social distancing. Read Steve’s full remarks in the attached document.

Return to Work Guidelines

As we move toward reopening, Getty has revised our guidelines to ensure a safe and secure environment for workers on site, attached. These guidelines are based on recommendations from the CDC, LA County Health Department, and other expert sources. They may change to reflect new state or local requirements or recommendations. If you have questions, please contact

March 30 All-Staff Update Video on GO

The video recording of the March 30 All-Staff Update is now available on GO for staff to stream. For staff who do not have access to GO, the video is also available online through this link and password: opus2021.


Managing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

The JONES team will lead sessions on April 7 and 21, 3–5 p.m. To register, please use this Survey Monkey link to select your preferred date. You will receive a confirmation and Outlook appointment from for the session for which you are scheduled. More sessions are being added and dates/times will be shared as soon as they are scheduled.

Update from Getty Publications DEAI Task Force

As a part of its goal to cultivate an internal culture that is diverse, inclusive, and collaborative, Getty Publications has been making some changes to how new hires are on-boarded. In order to encourage cross-departmental mentoring, we have created a Personal Ally/Liaison (PAL) program, which pairs new hires with a PAL from another publications department. The purpose is to give new employees the opportunity to get to know someone outside of their immediate team, to gain a different perspective on the department and the Getty, and for them to have a non-manager resource for procedural queries. So far, three new hires have participated in the PAL program.

Actualización del Equipo de Trabajo DEAI de Publicaciones Getty

Como parte del objetivo de cultivar una cultura interna que sea diversa, inclusiva y colaborativa, Publicaciones Getty ha introducido algunos cambios en la manera de incorporar a los nuevos empleados. Con el fin de fomentar la tutoría interdepartamental, se ha creado un programa de Aliados/Enlaces Personales (PAL, por sus siglas en inglés), que reúne a los nuevos contratados con un PAL de otro departamento de publicaciones. El propósito es dar a los nuevos empleados la oportunidad de conocer a alguien fuera de su equipo inmediato para obtener una perspectiva diferente en el departamento y en Getty, y de tener un referente que no sea un gerente para las preguntas de procedimiento. Hasta ahora, tres empleados nuevos han participado en el programa PAL.


Artemisia Gentileschi Joins Getty’s Collection

The Getty Museum has acquired a major work, Lucretia, by Artemisia Gentileschi, the most celebrated woman painter of 17th-century Italy. Recently rediscovered after having been in private collections for centuries, the painting represents the artist at the height of her expressive powers and demonstrates her ambition for depicting historical subjects, including sexual violence, which was part of her own painful personal experience. See the painting and hear an analysis of the work’s significance from senior curator Davide Gasparotto.

Pocket Gallery Launched on Google Arts & Culture

The Getty Museum is partnering with Google Arts & Culture to launch a new exhibition in Pocket Gallery, an immersive exhibition feature within the Google Arts & Culture app that uses augmented reality to open up a life-size virtual space that you can literally step inside using your smartphone. Wander through virtual rooms with paintings displayed on the walls by physically moving your phone, or by using your finger to navigate on your phone screen. Get up close or zoom in to see the paintings in greater detail and learn more about each artwork. Getty’s exhibition is called Better Together: Join the Crowd in Celebrated European Paintings. Find out how to explore Getty’s Pocket Gallery.

Honoring Ada Louise Huxtable

To mark what would have been the 100th birthday of Ada Louise Huxtable, icon of architectural criticism, the lecture hall at the Getty Research Institute has been named the Ada Louise Huxtable Lecture Hall. At the time of her death, in 2013, the Research Institute acquired Huxtable’s archive—all of her personal and professional papers—which capture the exceptional scope and impact of her career. In addition, Huxtable generously bequeathed her entire estate and her intellectual property rights to Getty, in order to advance the study of architecture. Learn more about Huxtable’s legacy on the Iris.


A Conversation with An-My Lê

The photographs of An-My Lê play with assumptions about photographic truth and narrative, questioning how we process mediated information. Whether by capturing Confederate monuments removed from their pedestals, war re-enactments, or American soldiers training in 29 Palms, California, Lê reframes American history and its myriad legacies. In this live conversation, on April 13 at 5 p.m., Lê speaks with Getty Museum assistant curator Mazie Harris about her experience traveling across the United States to make photographs. Lê's work is included in the upcoming Museum exhibition In Focus: Protest. Sign up in advance for this free online event.

April Is Financial Literacy Month

Kick off the month by attending a budgeting webinar, presented by My Secure Advantage (MSA), on Tuesday, April 13. Register for “It’s My Budget & I’m Sticking to It!” at this link. If you haven’t already talked to an MSA coach, this is a great time to get started. The benefit is free to all Getty employees. Simply call MSA at 888-724-2326 or visit My Secure Advantage to learn more.

Days of Service

The Community Service Team invites you to participate in Getty’s Days of Service during the week of April 19–25. We have assembled a list of virtual and in-person service projects that you (and maybe your friends and family members, too) can support. Visit to learn more about this year’s event and how to participate.


Getty Anniversaries This Week

Five Years

  • Alexander Phaphol, Education, Museum
  • Isabel Yao, Visitor Services
  • Jimmy Salmeron, Visitor Services

10 Years

  • Heather Alvear, Audio Visual
  • Marie Buffel du Vaure, Getty Center Museum Store Operations

15 Years

  • Donald Smith, Security Operations

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