To the Getty Community:

With supervisors/managers and staff recognizing they may have some time while working from home, HR was asked whether the eAppraisal system could be "opened" earlier than usual, to allow for timely completion of self-assessments and annual reviews.

I'm happy to announce the self-assessment and annual appraisal processes will open on Monday, March 23rd and will remain open until June 1st. You can access eAppraisal from any computer or Mac using the following link:

A Getty computer or connection to the Getty network is not required to write your appraisals.

Although the self-assessment and annual appraisal processes will not officially close until June 1st, your supervisor and/or program administrator may ask you to complete your tasks before that date. Please consult with your supervisor regarding their specific expectations.

The steps of the process remain unchanged from previous years. Goals will be managed in eAppraisal, so specific feedback related to each goal will not be included on the annual appraisal form. This will allow employees and supervisors to document the progress or accomplishment of goals as well as adjust or set new goals throughout the performance year.

Supervisors can include a summary related to the employee's overall performance against goals in a text box on the form under the heading "Goals for Current Review Period." This field may be skipped if a supervisor did not set goals for an employee.

Email notifications will be sent from eAppraisal only when the process initially opens and when you have a "task to complete." Once the process is opened, "task to complete" emails are sent overnight. For example, when a supervisor presses complete a second time the appraisal is immediately available for the employee to review and comment in eAppraisal, however, the "task to complete" email will not be sent until the next morning.

The following documents will assist you in this process:

You can use the "Forgot password?" feature on the eAppraisal login page to reset your account password and security questions. If you have trouble logging in or need help resetting your password, contact Getty Digital Help at or (310) 440-1199.

As in previous years, in order to be eligible for an end of year pay adjustment, supervisors must have completed written appraisals for all of their direct reports by June 1st, in addition to meeting other performance expectations. Please don't hesitate to contact myself or your HR Specialist if you have any questions.

Cathy Pericone