Photographs by Missionaries
Bertuccioli, Giuliano. La Cina nelle lastre di Leone Nani: 1904–1914. Brescia: Grafo; Roma: Pontificio istituto missioni estere, 1994.
Bulfoni, Clara, and Anna Pozzi, eds. Lost China: The Photographs of Leone Nani. Milan: Skira, 2003.
Gu Weimin, ed. Jingtou zouguo: neidihui zaihua baisanshi nian tupianji (As the camera passes: Picture collection of the Inland Mission's 130-year history in China) 镜头走过: 内地会在华百三 十年图片集. Taipei: Jidujian Yuzhongguan Chuanbo Zhongxin, 1998.
This is a collection of photos related to the China Inland Mission, founded by James Hudson Taylor in 1865. The photos were mostly published earlier in C.I.M. and China's Millions, the occasional periodicals of the China Inland Mission. Most pictures are dated from the late Qing to the early Republican periods. The book contains portraits of people involved in the foundation of the C.I.M., photos documenting their preaching in inland and frontier regions, and photos of the schools and hospitals funded by the China Inland Mission.
This is a collection of photos related to the China Inland Mission, founded by James Hudson Taylor in 1865. The photos were mostly published earlier in C.I.M. and China's Millions, the occasional periodicals of the China Inland Mission. Most pictures are dated from the late Qing to the early Republican periods. The book contains portraits of people involved in the foundation of the C.I.M., photos documenting their preaching in inland and frontier regions, and photos of the schools and hospitals funded by the China Inland Mission.
Vilhunen, Tuulikki. Itään ja etelään: Lähetyssaarnaajat valokuvaajina 1890–1930 = To the East and South: Missionaries as Photographers. Helsinki: Suomen Lähetysseura, 1995.