Heritage Values, Stakeholders, and Consensus Building

Supporting conservation professionals with essential skills to build consensus for heritage preservation

Project Details

View of an amphitheater from a top step, looking out into the surrounding landscape

View of the South Theater, one of two Roman theaters at Jarash that have been restored and used for performances during the Jarash Festival



Conservation professionals are often called on to build consensus, resolve conflicts, and reach lasting agreements across differing interests, values, and identities. Few professionals, however, have access to the training or resources needed to do this work effectively. In response, this initiative is developing consensus-building approaches suited to the conservation field and sharing them widely through publications, training materials, and case studies.


  • Four case studies illustrating the role of values in site management at Chaco Culture National Historical Park in the United States, Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site in Canada, Port Arthur Historic Site in Australia, and Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site in England
  • A didactic case study produced through a collaborative project of the Conservation Institute and the Jordanian Department of Antiquities as a resource for heritage educators and students learning to use a values-based process for management decision-making and for forming consensus building strategies
  • A three-day workshop in 2009 hosted by the Conservation Institute, with the assistance of the Consensus Building Institute, for a group of heritage practitioners and related professionals to explore the application of consensus building, negotiation, and conflict resolution concepts and strategies to the management of heritage places
  • A February 2017 convening of international heritage conservation professionals at the Getty Center for a two-day symposium to review emerging trends in dealing with values in heritage conservation practice.


From 1998 to 2005, the Conservation Institute undertook Research on the Values of Heritage, a project examining the role of values and economics in heritage conservation and management. The initial work of this project resulted in three publications: Values and Heritage Conservation, Economics and Heritage Conservation, and Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage (see Related below)


Department of Antiquities, Jordan
