Conservation and Mountmaking: 3-D Scanning

Conservation departments at the Getty Museum use 3-D technologies to aid in mountmaking, research, and restoration

Project Details

Composite of four images depicting the 3D scanning process, computer rendering, and printing of a small bronze male nude

Steps 1 and 2 of the scanning process: scanning of the object; editing of the scanned file to ensure accuracy.



3-D scanning allows Museum conservation staff to acquire accurate, noninvasive three-dimensional data about an artwork. Depending on the project, the digital information can be examined or manipulated with 3-D software to aid in research, or printed to use as a model.




Contact the Team

Getty Staff

  1. Jane Bassett

    Senior Conservator, Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation

  2. BJ Farrar

    Senior Mountmaker, Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation

  3. Susanne Gänsicke

    Senior Conservator, Antiquities Conservation

  4. Richard Hards

    Senior Mountmaker, Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation

  5. Timothy Skornia

    Senior Mountmaker, Antiquities Conservation

  6. Nick Clemens

    Mountmaker, Antiquities Conservation