Take an Abundantly Illustrated Journey through Imaginary Medieval Worlds

New book explores influence of the Middle Ages on pop culture

The Fantasy of the Middle Ages

An Epic Journey through Imaginary Medieval Worlds


Larisa Grollemond, Bryan C. Keene

The Fantasy of the Middle Ages book cover
May 25, 2022

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The phrases “Middle Ages,” “Dark Ages,” or “medieval” often conjure images of castles, cathedrals, crusades, and plague, of an era marked by darkness and conflict.

Despite this common, if inaccurate, perception, the time period of 500–1500 CE was one of artistic and intellectual growth. Scribes and artists of the time produced a vibrant culture of illuminated manuscripts, whose stories and images have inspired many creative genres of the present, especially that of fantasy. Looking back to this past has become ingrained in popular culture: from the soaring castles of Sleeping Beauty to the bloody battles of Game of Thrones, from Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings to mythical beasts in Dungeons & Dragons, and from Medieval Times to the Renaissance Faire, the Middle Ages have inspired artists, playwrights, filmmakers, gamers, and writers for centuries. Indeed, no other historical era has captured the imaginations of so many creators.

The Fantasy of the Middle Ages: An Epic Journey through Imaginary Medieval Worlds (J. Paul Getty Museum, $29.95) aims to uncover the many reasons why the Middle Ages have proven so flexible—and applicable—to a variety of modern moments from the 18th through the 21st century. These “medieval” worlds are often the perfect ground for exploring contemporary cultural concerns and anxieties, saying much more about the time and place in which they were created than they do about the actual conditions of the medieval period. With over 140 color illustrations, from sources ranging from 13th-century illuminated manuscripts to contemporary films and video games, and a preface by Game of Thrones costume designer Michele Clapton, The Fantasy of the Middle Ages will surprise and delight both enthusiasts and scholars. This title is published to accompany an exhibition at the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Center from June 21–September 11, 2022.

Author Information

Larisa Grollemond is assistant curator of manuscripts at the J. Paul Getty Museum.

Bryan C. Keene (he/él/they/elle) is assistant professor of art history at Riverside City College and a former associate curator of manuscripts at the J. Paul Getty Museum. He specializes in codex cultures of a global Middle Ages and fantasy medievalisms.


“A fascination on every page. This bright and bold exploration of medievalism is not just a collection of stories told and reimagined in every new age, but a rich tapestry in its own right. Inclusive, illuminating, and filled with insight.”

— A. R. Capetta & Cory McCarthy, authors of the bestselling Once & Future series

“Whether you’re a storyteller looking for inspiration, an art historian, or simply a lover of beautiful things paying homage to other beautiful things, Fantasy of the Middle Ages is a lush and thoughtful exploration of why this period continues to affect our art today in both obvious and surprising ways.”

— Kiersten White, New York Times bestselling author of the Camelot Rising Trilogy

“A lavishly illustrated book full of delights and surprises: King Arthur’s knights, talking animals, music, movies, maps, and Renaissance fairs all make an appearance, alongside insights into race, gender, and sexuality, both in the medieval past and today. The authors even offer glimpses of vast, premodern worlds beyond Europe and Christendom—in this book, your grandad’s European Middle Ages is wholly remade by new ideas and new pleasures in how the past is recovered today.”

— Geraldine Heng, author of The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages and The Global Middle Ages: An Introduction

The Fantasy of the Middle Ages

An Epic Journey through Imaginary Medieval Worlds


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The Fantasy of the Middle Ages book cover
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