Getty Magazine

In-depth stories and personal perspectives

Latest Magazine Stories

  1. Protecting a Legacy of African American Art

    LeRonn Brooks stands with arms crossed between two rows of storage lockers which have multicolored papers stuck to them

    After immersing himself in the New York City art scene, LeRonn Brooks is now building an African American art history archive at Getty

  2. Preserving the Past and Honoring Communities

    A group of people in lab wearing lab coats work with materials like metal, rocks, and woven baskets, using tools to study them.

    Together, UCLA and Getty are teaching aspiring conservators how to care for Indigenous and archaeological objects

  3. Pottery Then and Now

    man makes pottery in a studio

    Little has changed since antiquity, it turns out, when it comes to the best ways of shaping a bowl or firing a pot

  4. What Exactly Does a Registrar Do?

    Person wearing a white lab coat takes a large work of art on paper out of a drawer in a storage facility

    As senior registrar at the Getty Research Institute (GRI), Lora Chin Derrien keeps track of the “treasure trove” of archival collections that come through its doors

  5. From Super-Nerd to Medievalist

    A person looks at a medieval manuscript in a large, well-lit room filled with bookshelves

    Jump-started by her love of Renaissance faires and fantasy books, assistant curator of manuscripts Larisa Grollemond shares her passion for the Middle Ages with 21st-century audiences

  6. The Art of Friendship

    A man and two young girls are fishing.

    For over 50 years, photographer Sidney Felsen captured artists at work

  7. Keep Calm and Care On

    The interior of a building with rubble and debris on the ground, with a painting hung on the wall.

    Conservators are learning to care for paintings damaged by disasters or conflicts through Getty training grants

  8. Modern Architecture Needs Protecting Too

    Silhouette of a man standing in a house with glass walls, looking out at the Los Angeles skyline

    The next generation of conservators gathered in LA—an essentially 20th-century city—for a course in preserving newer gems of cultural heritage

  9. Leave the Cracks, Patch the Hair, and Other Ways to Age Gracefully

    A person uses tools to conserve a painting in a studio with a large curtain.

    Our staff photographer checks in on Getty’s project to restore Adam and Eve

  10. But It’s Not That Old!

    Conservation professionals working to restore the Manila Metropolitan Theater.

    A Getty modern architecture conservation course has global reach

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