A Glimpse of Our World as It Could Be

How this dreamy photograph shows us that pleasure is a right

A woman in a white ensemble with a space-like helmet is floating in the air against a background of clouds, sky, and a peek of trees in the bottom left corner

Summer Azure, negative 2020; print 2021, Tourmaline. Dye sublimation print, 74.9 x 76.2 cm. Getty Museum. © Tourmaline

By Erin Migdol

Jun 11, 2024

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One of artists' great powers is that they can call our attention to things we might otherwise overlook.

But for Mazie Harris, assistant curator of photographs at the Getty Museum, the dreamy Afrofuturist photograph Summer Azure, by Tourmaline, draws her attention because it "uses imagination to show our world not as it is, but as it could be," Harris notes.

In the first season of Getty's Close Looking video series, Getty curators explore the details of artworks they cherish. For this installment, Harris explores how Tourmaline's photograph, which depicts the artist floating above the trees against an idyllic sky, argues that Black, queer, and trans communities don't just have to be advocates for social change; they can enjoy pleasure as well and float above the concerns of the world. Harris also dives in to the photograph's reference to 19th-century pleasure gardens, and how photographers and Afrofuturists aren't necessarily bound by daily experiences, but use daily experience as a catalyst to give us new perspective on our own lives.

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Get an insider's view of more works of art in Getty's Close Looking series, in which art experts and enthusiasts around Getty share some of their favorite works of art.

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