AATA Online Database Migrates to a New Cloud-Based Platform

AATA is a free research tool for art and cultural heritage conservators

A colorful row of spines of hard-cover AATA volumes on a shelf.
Dec 01, 2022

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The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)'s AATA Online—a free research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage—has successfully migrated 90 years of data to a new cloud-based bibliographic production platform.

This follows AATA’s upgrade two years ago to a new user interface.

AATA (which stands for Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts) has been managed and published by Getty since 1983. AATA Online contains over 156,000 records and adds approximately 4,000 new records each year through regular updates. These records include references and abstracts for books, journals, webpages, AV materials, dissertations, and even unpublished manuscripts on topics as varied as radiography, pigments, historic gardens, and the ethics of conservation.

The database also includes selected subject-specific bibliographies produced as part of the GCI's own conservation and scientific research projects or as part of specific collaborative projects in which the Institute is involved.

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