A Work of Art in Brick


254 pages

PDF file size: 13.8 MB

Grantee Organization: Stichting de Golf
Grant Year: 2015
Architect: Michel de Klerk
Country: The Netherlands
Year Building Completed: 1921


A conservation management plan for Michel de Klerk's Het Schip in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Copyright Notes

A Work of Art in Brick
© 2018 Amsterdam School Museum Het Schip. All Rights Reserved.

This PDF is the online version of the publication A Work of Art in Brick. It is intended as the conservation management plan for the 2015-2018 restoration of urban block Het Schip in Amsterdam. It also serves as a documentation of the restoration project. For copyright reasons some chapters and some pictures are not included. For higher resolution of the pictures, as well as for lengthy copying and re-use of the texts, permission by the owner of the copyright is required, in which case, please contact the publisher of the book. This publication (English ISBN 978-90-814397-7-0 and Dutch ISBN 978-90-814397-6-3) can be ordered via info@hetschip.nl or at www.hetschip.nl.