Yulissa Gonzalez (she/her)

Selected Photographs

Yulissa Gonzalez is a Mexican-American artist and Los Angeles native. She expresses her creativity through media, such as digital illustration, photography, screen-printing, and painting. Yulissa’s art focuses on the social issues and narratives that surround Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. When capturing images through a lens, she likes to capture portraiture, fashion, and street photography. Yulissa is committed to becoming an art director and entered UCLA as a Design Media Arts major in the fall of 2023. Yulissa leaps toward any artistic opportunity she can grasp. She loves to create empowering art, which has been showcased in over five galleries throughout L.A. Yulissa's community efforts led her to land a job painting a mural, currently on display in Boyle Heights. Her work has been highlighted by art directors and graphic designers from prominent companies such as Nike, Netflix, the Discovery Channel, and more.

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