Laila Gibbs (she/her)

Selected Photographs

Laila Gibbs is a teen artist based in Torrance, California. Her photography focuses on capturing the beauty of our natural surroundings from biodiversity to seascapes and landscapes. She often approaches her work through a nostalgic lens, drawing inspiration from childhood memories. Through her lens, she hopes to make people happy and evoke strong emotions. For Gibbs, the act of photographing nature is to draw people in to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and enjoy the moments that it brings. She hopes to encourage us to take pause and explore the wonders of the world around us. Some of her achievements include the creation of a photography program for isolated senior citizens as her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She placed first in her district for the “Martin Luther King Jr. Visions of Unity Arts & Literature Contest.” Her work was displayed in the Katy Geissert Civic Center Library where it was recognized by the Mayor and City Council of Torrance, a U.S. Congressman, State Senator, and others. She attends UC Irvine.

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