Juliette Dalicano (she/her)

Selected Photographs

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Juliette Dalicano is a photographer and an animal care intern and docent at the LA Zoo. As a student of the LA Zoo Magnet, her previous work includes mediating forums on intersectionality and the digital photo series “It’s Not Okay.” Currently studying at UC Davis in the Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology program, Dalicano initially discovered a passion for photography as a way to spread awareness for wildlife species. Inspired by the likes of wildlife photographer Joel Sartore, she realized that because images can be shared with people around the world, it makes conservation and advocacy more accessible for those that may not be able to see endangered species in person. Dalicano is vocal about the importance of media depicting positive representations of marginalized identities in instilling acceptance and awareness. Through her photography she hopes to expose people to a varied set of experiences, and provide reassurance that people with shared identities are not alone in their struggles.

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