Jason Lopez (he/him)

Selected Photographs

Jason Lopez is just a name, but the person behind that name has a story. Jason was born and raised in South Los Angeles, graduated high school in 2023 and currently attends college. He fell in love with photography at a young age. Once he had a camera in his hands, he was convinced it was what he was born to do. Growing up he didn’t encounter photographers in his neighborhood and had no formal instruction opportunities, so he had to learn on his own. After buying his first camera in 2021 and watching YouTube tutorials, he remained convinced this is what he needed to do. Jason started a photography club in his high school, helping other kids who wanted to know more about photography and teaching them the basics. It was through this club that his teacher told him about the Getty Unshuttered program and encouraged him to apply. Jason knows photography will always be his life and no matter where he ends up and what he does, he’ll always be happy he took this opportunity and got to meet so many wonderful people and have such an amazing experience.

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