Paulo Lourenço, João Pereira, and Daniel Torrealva

In collaboration with Maria Pia Ciocci, Federica Greco, Giorgos Karanikoloudis, and Claudia Cancino, 2021

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Proyecto de Estabilización Sismorresistente: Cálculos simplifi cados para el análisis estructural de las construcciones históricas de tierra

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This publication intends to help engineering professionals who deal with the assessment and analysis of historic earthen structures using simplified calculations. Based on simple calculations developed as part of the Testing and Modeling phases of the Seismic Retrofitting Project by the Escuela de Ciencias de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, and TechMinho, University of Minho, Portugal, respectively, this publication develops a blueprint assessment approach to provide a simpler, faster, and lower costing analysis for immediate screening of historic earthen buildings.

This structural assessment, based on a simplified geometric approach, also helps conservation professionals to prioritize further studies –if necessary – with respect to the seismic vulnerability of buildings. Several application examples are given throughout the report regarding the different analysis methods used. These highlight the possibilities of analysis methods for the structural assessment of historic masonry buildings made of earth and the design of strengthening techniques.

This publication is the last in a series on the subject of safety assessment of historic earthen sites, within the Seismic Retrofitting Project. The other reports in this series are Recommendations for Advanced Modeling of Historic Earthen Sites and Modeling of Prototype Buildings.

About the Seismic Retrofitting Project

Using four Peruvian buildings representative of typologies of historic earthen construction in Latin America, the Seismic Retrofitting Project combines traditional construction techniques and materials with advanced methodologies to design and test easy-to-implement seismic retrofitting techniques and maintenance programs to improve the structural performance of earthen historic buildings in Perú and other countries in Latin America.

How to Cite this Work

Lourenço, Paulo B., João M. Pereira, and Daniel Torrealva. 2021. Seismic Retrofitting Project: Simplified Calculations for the Structural Analysis of Earthen Historic Sites. In collaboration with Maria Pia Ciocci, Federica Greco, Giorgos Karanikoloudis, and Claudia Cancino. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.