The Getty Conservation Institute; 2010

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The holistic management of sites and their surrounding context has long been an important component of the Getty Conservation Institute's work. Since the mid 1990s, the institution has focused on the conservation of historic cities and the urban environment through a variety of collaborative projects. Recently, the GCI has undertaken bibliographic research and conducted a survey (Appendix 1) to assess the state of information available to practitioners and to identify unmet needs in the conservation of historic cities and urban settlements. In March 2009, to better understand and define the most urgent conservation issues specific to the historic urban environment, and to identify potential fields of action that will improve practice and support professionals and decision makers in addressing conservation threats, the GCI convened a diverse group of people representing various disciplines and geographic areas to share their knowledge and experience in the field. This is the report of the 2009 meeting.

How to Cite this Work
Getty Conservation Institute. 2010. Historic Urban Environment Conservation Challenges and Priorities for Action: Experts Meeting, March 12-14, 2009: Meeting Report, Historic Cities & Urban Settlements Initiative. Los Angeles, CA: Getty Conservation Institute.