Myriam Bouichou and Elisabeth Marie-Victoire, 2021

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Cleaning—whether to improve a building’s appearance, arrest deterioration, assess conditions, or provide a clean surface for treatment—is often an integral part of any physical conservation project. This guide was produced for stewards and professionals working in the field of conservation facing the challenge of cleaning historic sites built in concrete.

It contains a description of the types of soiling most typically found in concrete—black soiling and biological growth. It also describes the various techniques tested in this research conducted by the Cercle des Partenaires du Patrimoine, for cleaning of concrete sculptures and buildings in indoor and outdoor environments

A clear decision-making guide for selecting the most appropriate cleaning technique, and datasheets with detailed information on each of the thirteen techniques covering the following categories: water-based, abrasive blasting, poultices, peelable poultices, laser, and biocides is also included.

About this translation

Recognizing that one of the current challenges in the concrete conservation field is the limited availability of specific technical literature to guide practitioners, we partnered with the Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques and the Cercle des Partenaires du Patrimoine (CPP) to make available this English-language translation of the CPP’s essential 2009 publication, Le nettoyage des bétons anciens: Guide des techniques et aide à la decision which is based on CPP’s research. Read Le nettoyage des bétons anciens online.

The translation was produced as part of the Concrete Conservation project, which seeks to improve the conservation of twentieth-century concrete heritage by tackling some of the challenges facing this emerging field through development of scientific research, model field projects, training, and publications. Concrete Conservation is a project of the Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative.

How to Cite this Work
Bouichou, Myriam, and Elisabeth Marie-Victoire. 2021. Cleaning Historic Concrete: A Guide to Techniques and Decision-Making. Guidelines. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.