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ID: 700000183
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Record Type: Movable Work
Images: 1
Benin Ivory (mask (costume); unknown Beninese; early 16th century; British Museum (London, Greater London, England, United King...; Af1910,0513.1; Ethno 1910.5-13.1 )
Note: Carved ivory mask-shaped hip-pendant, inlaid with iron and bronze. This type of mask was worn by the Oba, on the hip, during important ceremonies. The mask is said to represent Idia, mother of Oba Esigie who ruled in the sixteenth century. The top of the hip mask is decorated with heads representing the Portuguese, symbolizing Benin's alliance with and control over Europeans. The Portuguese continued to appear in Benin art long after they had disappeared from Benin itself.
Benin Ivory (preferred,C,U,RP,English-P,U,U)
Ivory Mask (C,U,DE,English,U,U)
Catalog Level: item
Work Types:
mask (costume) [300138758] (preferred)
..... (Objects Facet, Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name), Costume (hierarchy name), costume (mode of fashion), <costume by function>)
pendant (jewelry) [300046002]
..... (Objects Facet, Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name), Costume (hierarchy name), costume (mode of fashion), costume accessories, worn costume accessories, jewelry, <jewelry by form>)

costume / clothing (preferred)
African art

Creation Date: early 16th century

Creator Display:
unknown Beninese [preferred,VP]
carver unknown Beninese (Beninese cultural designation) [500202974]
patron Oba Esigie (king of Benin, active early to mid-16th century) [500350193]
Other: Creation: Benin [7348568] (Geographic)
Current: British Museum (London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom) [500125180] Corporate Bodies (Corp. Body)
Repository Numbers: Af1910,0513.1; Ethno 1910.5-13.1
Display Materials: elephant ivory, iron, bronze; inlaid, carved
ivory (material) [300011857]
.......(Materials Facet, Materials (hierarchy name), materials (substances), <materials by composition>, combination inorganic/organic material, combination inorganic/organic animal material, <bone and bone components materials>, bone (material), <bone by form as material>, <tooth and tooth components as materials>, <tooth components as material>, dentin (material))
iron (metal) [300011002]
.......(Materials Facet, Materials (hierarchy name), materials (substances), <materials by composition>, inorganic material, metal, <metal by composition or origin>, <iron and iron alloy>)
bronze (metal) [300010957]
.......(Materials Facet, Materials (hierarchy name), materials (substances), <materials by composition>, inorganic material, metal, <metal by composition or origin>, nonferrous metal, <copper and copper alloy>, copper alloy)
inlay (process) [300053850]
.......(Activities Facet, Processes and Techniques (hierarchy name), <processes and techniques by specific type>, <additive and joining processes and techniques>, <surface covering processes and techniques>)
carving (processes) [300053149]
.......(Activities Facet, Processes and Techniques (hierarchy name), <processes and techniques by specific type>, <subtractive processes and techniques>, <carving and carving techniques>)

Dimensions: 24.5 cm (height); 12.5 cm (width); 6 cm (depth)
African (preferred)

Edo (African culture) [300018564] (preferred,N/A)
.....(Styles and Periods Facet, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name), <styles| periods| and cultures by region>, African (general| continental cultures), <African by cultural or regional designation>, West African (general), Southern Nigerian styles, Edo-speaking cultures)

General Subject:
religion and mythology (preferred)
human figures

Specific Subjects:
human females [300025943]
.....(Agents Facet, People (hierarchy name), people (agents), <people by gender or sex>) (AAT)
face (animal component) [300251798]
.....(Objects Facet, Components (hierarchy name), components (objects parts), <components by specific context>, biological components, animal components) (AAT)
ceremonial object [300234117]
.....(Objects Facet, Object Genres (hierarchy name), object genres (object classifications), <object genres by function>) (AAT)

Provenance: Purchased from: Prof Charles Gabriel Seligman Previous owner/ex-collection: Sir Ralph Moor
Related Works:
companion piece of .... Queen Mother Pendant Mask: Iyoba [700000182]
..........mask (costume); unknown Nigerian Edo, for Oba Esigie (King of Benin, 1404-15...; early 16th century; Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City, New York state, U...; 1978.412.323

List/Hierarchical Position:
..... Movable Works
.......... Movable Works by class: decorative and utilitarian works
Sources and Contributors:
Benin Ivory........ [VP]
........ British Museum [online] (1999-) accessed 30 January 2018
Ivory Mask........ [VP]
........ British Museum [online] (1999-)
Subject: ....... [VP]
....................... British Museum [online] (1999-)
English ..... [VP]
..... British Museum [online] (1999-) accessed 30 January 2018, P. Girshick Ben-Amos, The art of Benin (London, The British Museum Press, 1995)
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