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Women and Beauty in Pompeii
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Women and Beauty in Pompeii

Antonio d'Ambrosio

J. Paul Getty Museum
84 pages, 8 1/2 x 9 3/4 inches
103 color illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-631-6
$30.00  Order

"Delightful ... lavishly illustrated with art work depicting women engaged in all aspects of their toilet."
History in Review

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This volume explores the nature of female beauty in ancient Rome by studying depictions of heavenly and earthly women in Pompeiian art. The first section discusses the care of the body: hygiene, cosmetics, coiffure, and perfume. The second section discusses adornments like jewelry and clothing, and explains how such items were distributed in the Roman world. Archaeology and art come together to offer numerous insights into this fascinating subject.

Antonio d'Ambrosio is archeological director of the excavation office of Pompeii.

For sale in North America only.

Price: $30.00  Order

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