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Vidal Mayor
Vidal Mayor

Museum Staff

J. Paul Getty Museum
556 pages (Vol. 1) 160 pages (Vol. 2), 10 x 14 inches with slipcase
ISBN 978-0-89236-175-5
paper, Out of Print  1990


This beautiful illuminated facsimile reproduces the only known copy of the Vidal Mayor manuscript, the law code of the Kingdom of Aragon. It is important not only for its artistic merit, but for its social, political, and religious significance as well. The two-volume set consists of a four-color facsimile of the original fourteenth-century manuscript, which contains all 156 miniatures, and a commentary volume in Spanish that explores the text and illuminations in depth. An English-language synopsis is included.

A joint project with the Provincial Institute of Upper Aragonese Studies in Huesca, Spain.

This title is out of print. Please look for it at your local libraries and/or used bookstores.

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