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Introducción a los metadatos
Introducción a los metadatos
vías a la información digital
Tony Gill, Anne Gilliland-Swetland, and Murtha Baca

Getty Research Institute
47 pages, 7 x 9 1/2 inches
1 b/w illustration
ISBN 978-0-89236-535-7
paper, Out of Print  1999

"Introductory but not simplistic."
Current Cites
On-line Review
The Library, UC Berkeley


In Spanish, this book describes the increasing significance of the concept of metadata since the emergence of the World Wide Web as a major research tool across all fields of study. Metadata, which can be broadly defined as "data about data," refers to the searchable definitions used to locate information. This issue is especially relevant to searches on the Web, where metatags may determine the ease with which a particular Web site is located.

Introduccion a los metadatos defines this little-understood concept, explains its importance and potential uses in the networked environment, and describes existing metadata standards in the field of cultural heritage information. A Spanish-language glossary of terms and expressions and a selected bibliography provide useful information for understanding this timely topic.

Tony Gill is the program officer for Art & Architecture and Cultural Materials at the Research Libraries Group. Anne Gilliland-Swetland is an associate professor in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. Murtha Baca is head of the Standards and Vocabulary Programs at the Getty Research Institute.

This title is out of print. Please look for it at your local libraries and/or used bookstores.

Series: Introduction To

See: Contents