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Italian and Spanish Sculpture
Italian and Spanish Sculpture
Catalogue of the J. Paul Getty Museum Collection
Peggy Fogelman and Peter Fusco, with Marietta Cambareri

J. Paul Getty Museum
352 pages, 9 x 12 inches
43 color and 172 duotone illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-689-7
hardcover, $130.00  Order
December 2002


Since the sculpture department was established in 1984, the Getty Museum's holdings have grown to encompass some 170 works ranging in date from the Renaissance through the nineteenth century, with particular strengths in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century bronzes and Neoclassical works in marble and terra-cotta. This volume focuses on Italian and Spanish sculpture in the Museum's collection, including such exceptional works as Antico's Bust of a Young Man, Benvenuto Cellini's Satyr, Gianlorenzo Bernini's Boy with a Dragon, Giuliano Finelli's Bust of a Noblewoman, and Antonio Canova's Apollo Crowning Himself. In addition to presenting copious research on the history and iconography of the sculptures, much of it based on new findings, this lavishly illustrated book includes detailed discussions of the manufacture, materials, and condition of each work.

Peggy Fogelman is Assistant Director for Education and Interpretive Programs at the Getty Museum, having previously served as associate curator of sculpture. She has published widely in the field and acted as guest editor of The Sculpture Journal. Peter Fusco, former curator of sculpture at the Getty Museum, is responsible for creating the sculpture collections of both the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Getty Museum. Marietta Cambareri is an assistant curator of decorative arts and sculpture, art of Europe, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Price: $130.00  Order