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Mounted Oriental Porcelain in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Mounted Oriental Porcelain in the J. Paul Getty Museum

F. J. B. Watson, Gillian Wilson, and Anthony Derham

J. Paul Getty Museum
98 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches
16 color and 84 b/w illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-034-5
hardcover, Out of Print  1983


The oriental practice of mounting porcelains in precious or semi-precious metal as a tribute to their rarity and value was continued when these pieces became fashionable in Parisian decor in the eighteenth century. Dealers devised ingenious settings to adapt the exotic porcelains to French interiors of the period and employed the most skillful craftsmen to execute the designs. This volume illustrates the Getty Museum's large and important collection of mounted oriental porcelain and discusses its makers and their clientele.

This title is out of print. Please see the revised edition published in 2000.