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Poem by Mark Doty
Glass from the J. Paul Getty Museum

J. Paul Getty Museum
56 pages, 5 1/2 x 7 inches
28 color illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-598-2
hardcover, $15.95  Order

"The pages of Murano suggest radiant worlds, where instead of lonely craters and blasted plains, glowing surfaces have been etched by a loving hand."
Ruminator Review

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"Murano"—a recent work by the distinguished American poet Mark Doty—is a contemplative meditation on human mortality and the mystery of artistic creation. Addressed to his late friend, the poet Lynda Hull, the musings in "Murano" are set against the backdrop of Venice and the glassmaker's art, as practiced for centuries on the island of Murano in the Venetian lagoon.

This moving poem is illustrated with details of sixteen pieces of dazzling Murano glass from the collection of the Getty Museum. These fine, delicate objects paired with Doty's stirring words create an exceptional visual and verbal experience. Mark Doty is the author of Sweet Machine (1998) and the memoir Firebird (1999). He teaches at the University of Houston.

Price: $15.95  Order

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