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Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae
Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae

Eva Margareta Steinby, General Editor

J. Paul Getty Museum
All volumes 9 1/4 x 12 1/8 inches
See below for prices.
Volume Primo: A-C 482 pages, 196 b/w illustrations, ISBN 88-7097-019-1
Volume Secondo: D-G 502 pages, 187 b/w illustrations, ISBN 88-7097-073-9
Volume Terzo: H-O 512 pages, 221 b/w illustrations, ISBN 88-7097-096-8
Volume Quarto: P-S 510 pages, 178 b/w illustrations, ISBN 88-7140-135-2
Volume Quinto: T-Z 376 pages, 114 b/w illustrations, ISBN 88-7140-162-X
Volume Sesto: Index 144 pages, ISBN 88-7140-172-7


This set contains 2,300 entries on the topography of ancient Rome. The Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae provides an up-to-date account of current research on public and private buildings and monuments constructed within the Aurelianic walls through the early seventh century A.D. Both classical and Christian structures are discussed, whether identified through archaeological remains or known only from ancient or later sources.

Scholars with firsthand knowledge of a particular topic write the entries, which are then arranged alphabetically by structural name. Contributors include topographers, archaeologists, historians, philologists, numismatists, and art historians. Each volume is heavily illustrated with drawings, photographs, floor plans, and maps. The final volume is composed of analytic indexes to monuments and persons, a general bibliography, and articles on the iconographic sources used by the contributors, such as ancient plans, coins, and historical reliefs. The successor to Platner and Ashby's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, now out of print, the Lexicon is published by Edizioni Quasar of Rome and distributed in North America by the J. Paul Getty Museum.

This series is out of print. Please look for it at your local libraries and/or used bookstores.