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Cultural Inheritance LA
Cultural Inheritance LA
A Directory of Less-Visible Archives and Collections in the Los Angeles Region
Research Institute Staff

Getty Research Institute
324 pages, 7 x 11 inches
ISBN 978-0-89236-543-2
paper, Out of Print  1999


Cultural Inheritance L.A.: A Resource Directory of Less Visible Archives and Collections in the Los Angeles Region combines the academic expertise of scholars producing work on Los Angeles and the experience of community practitioners, historians, and planners in this resource that compiles new information on the material culture of the Los Angeles region.

Cultural Inheritance L.A. is the product of research which surveyed the archival and collections holdings of a cross-section of organizations, universities, and institutions representing diverse sectors, communities, and cultures in Los Angeles. This research was informed by an advisory forum of archivists, planners, community activists, and local scholars who have contributed their expertise to the content development of the directory. Cultural Inheritance/L.A. is published as a conventional publication with companion online access. It includes 178 records that profile diverse archives and collections representing the cultural inheritance of the Los Angeles region.

This book is out of print. Please look for it at your local libraries and/or used bookstores.