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Introduction to Managing Digital Assets
Introduction to Managing Digital Assets
Options for Cultural and Educational Organizations
Diane M. Zorich

Getty Research Institute
167 pages, 7 x 9 1/2 inches
ISBN 978-0-89236-546-3
paper, Out of Print  1999

"Will interest the entire cultural community, owners and users alike."
Visual Resources Association Bulletin

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Cultural and educational institutions are trustees of perhaps the largest and most diverse assortment of intellectual properties in existence—from fine art to books, films, videos, and audio recordings. As custodians and consumers of vast amounts of intellectual property, these organizations are understandably concerned with the challenges that digital networks present in rights administration and content distribution.

New management and distribution services have emerged in response to these concerns, and some existing organizations have assumed new roles. Collectively known as intellectual property management service providers, these groups serve as facilitators between rightsholders and users in the administration, organization, and distribution of intellectual property.

This report reviews the traditions of rights administration and content distribution in various creative sectors, identifying common structures and functions of these organizations, clarifying aspects of the service provider/rightsholder/user relationship, and highlighting issues of particular relevance to the cultural and educational communities. Also included is a questionnaire designed for institutions that wish to consider partnering with intellectual property management organizations.

Diane M. Zorich is an information management consultant specializing in cultural information on electronic networks.

This title is out of print. Please look for it at your local libraries and/or used bookstores.

Series: Introduction To