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Disciples of Light
Disciples of Light
Photographs in the Brewster Album
Graham Smith

J. Paul Getty Museum
172 pages, 9 x 11 inches
10 color and 175 duotone illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-158-8
hardcover, Out of Print  1990

"Smith's copious if more traditional researches on Sir David Brewster's place in early photography help frame an intelligible cultural context for this important incunabulum."
On Paper


This book includes almost two hundred of the earliest known English and Scottish photographs, most of which have never before been published. It also contains all the significant photographs of the album, compiled by Sir David Brewster, an important early patron of photography. Photographs by William Henry Fox Talbot, the inventor of negative-positive paper photography, are included, as well as works by other photographers who improved upon Talbot's invention. The text discusses the context in which the album was compiled, the personalities of the photographers, and the groups of specific images that it contains. Numerous comparative illustrations are included, as well as a checklist of all photographic images, a bibliography, and an index.

This title is out of print. Please look for it at your local libraries and/or used bookstores.