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Julia Margaret Cameron: The Complete Photographs
Julia Margaret Cameron: The Complete Photographs

Julian Cox and Colin Ford
with contributions by Philippa Wright and Joanne Lukitsh

J. Paul Getty Museum
576 pages, 9 x 11 3/4 inches
60 color and 1329 duotone illustrations
ISBN 978-0-89236-681-1
hardcover, Out of Print  February 2003


"This complete collection of Cameron's reveals the profound bipolarities of her production: extravagantly mannered yet psychologically intimate, wildly ambitious yet intensely devotional, unabashedly painterly yet enraptured with the written word."
New York Times Book Review

"This book is a necessary expense for any Victorianist or early photography buff."
Publishers Weekly

"For a detailed analysis of Cameron's technique, and the philosophy behind it, you could not do better than Julia Margaret Cameron: The Complete Photographs, with its magnificent reproductions and thoughtful, expert commentary."
Daily Telegraph

"Meticulously researched."

"A glorious collection."
Independent on Sunday

"This handsome and thorough volume. . . is the crowning glory of Cameron scholarship."
Library Journal