Bryan C. Keene


  1. Art, Pride, and the Rainbow Flag


    Rainbow flag against a blue sky

    In celebration of Pride, we draw on Getty’s collections to highlight inclusion and humanity

  2. Written in the Stars: Astronomy and Astrology in Medieval Manuscripts


    A bearded man wearing a white turban and orange cloak lined with blue holds his left hand to his head and a book in his right hand while he peers up at the sky.

    Faith, science, and stargazing influenced everyday decisions in the Middle Ages

  3. For the Throne: Medievalists’ Musings on Game of Thrones


    A composite of details from the images that appear in this post.

    Curators connect medieval art to each episode of the final season of Game of Thrones

  4. Reconstructing a Masterpiece of Choir Book Illumination by Niccolò da Bologna


    A detail of a medieval illumination inside of the letter G. At the center is the Virgin Mary dressed in all white.

    Leaves by the Bolognese artist represent six of the 20 known pages surviving from a Renaissance gradual

  5. Enemies All Around—The Medieval/Modern Game of Thrones


    A crowd of people surround a woman as she faces two boys in shackles kneeling in front of armed guards.

    A new season of art-history recaps begins

  6. Coming Out: Queer Erasure and Censorship from the Middle Ages to Modernity


    Composite image. On left, a detail of a manuscript figure walking through the letter "O". On right, a yellow figure walks through a door to a colorful room. At the bottom it reads National Coming Out

    Taking a queer lens to medieval and Renaissance images reveals the fluidity of gender and sexual identity beyond reductive labels

  7. (Re)-Naming a Renaissance Artist


    Manuscript illustration of Christ in an orange robe wiping tears from a person kneeling before him. There is a crowd behind and an angel descending from the sky.

    A curator describes his research to put a name to an anonymous illuminator of a manuscript page removed centuries ago from a choir book

  8. Global Pathways through Medieval Manuscripts and the Modern Museum


    map of the world with pictures of various manuscripts over it

    A new exhibition of book arts explores worldwide artistic, cultural, and religious connections in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

  9. Star Wars and Medieval Manuscripts


    Image of a black screen with white text that reads "A long time ago, on the pages of illuminated manuscripts made far, far away..."

    What did medieval Europeans think and dream about the planets and stars? A tour with images in manuscripts

  10. Deathly Meditations in Medieval Manuscripts


    Death spares no one—a reminder from illuminated books