Museum Home Current Exhibitions Stories to Watch: Narrative in Medieval Manuscripts

February 22–May 15, 2011 at the Getty Center


All events are free, unless otherwise noted. Seating reservations are required. For reservations and information, please call (310) 440-7300 or visit


Books as Beads: Praying the Rosary with Pictures in the Late Middle Ages
Extensive illustrations in manuscripts provided medieval viewers with an entry point to their devotions and a focus for their meditations. Kristen Collins, associate curator of Manuscripts, the J. Paul Getty Museum, spotlights the Getty's recent acquisition Vita Christi, a rosary book structured around meditations on the life of Christ.

Sunday, May 1, 2011, 3:00 p.m.
Getty Center, Harold M. Williams Auditorium
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Curator's Gallery Talks

Kristen Collins, associate curator of Manuscripts, the J. Paul Getty Museum, leads a gallery talk on the exhibition.

Thursday, April 14, 2:30 p.m.
Meet under the stairs in the Museum Entrance Hall.

The Lamb Defeating the Ten Kings

GettyGuide™ Audio Player

Often inspired by written narratives, medieval artists invented their own strategies—visual ones—to tell stories. Using specific illuminations as examples, hear curators describe how. Pick up an audio player in the Museum Entrance Hall.