Museum Home Past Exhibitions Coming of Age in Ancient Greece

September 14–December 5, 2004 at the Getty Center

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In the House
Vessel with a Mother
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Household Family Scene, 440–430 B.C.
Detail: Vessel with a Mother

Young children spent the day in the women's part of the house. Women had a lot to do—they grew food, wove clothing, and made things to sell at the market.

The tall pointy object to the far left in this vase painting is a loom. It was used to weave fabric and shows that we are in the women's section.

The water jug that this scene is painted on is the kind that would have been used by women in their area.

Raising Children
Cup with Mother and Baby
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Cup with Mother and Baby, about 460 B.C.

This is a strange scene of a mother and a baby, who sits in an unusual seat. Why do you think someone made an image like this?

The cup that this image is painted on was found in a grave. This may be a hint. Scholars think the grave was of a young woman who died before she could be a mom.

Nannies raised the children in ancient Greek homes. Images like this one of a nanny and her children were common. We know she was a slave because of her cropped hair.

Notice how the little boy she holds by the hand is fighting to stay behind.

Statuette of a Woman
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Statuette of a Woman Holding Babies, 300–275 B.C.