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ID: 7002329
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Record Type: administrative
Hierarchy of Troy (deserted settlement)  Troy (deserted settlement)

Lat: 39 57 25 N  degrees minutes   Lat: 39.9570  decimal degrees
Long: 026 14 20 E  degrees minutes   Long: 26.2390  decimal degrees

Note: Hisarlık is believed to be the site of the Troy of Homer's Iliad. The settlement began as an Early Bronze Age citadel in the 3rd mill. BCE. Excavations reveal that several battles took place here, one apparently destroying the city ca. 1180 BCE, perhaps forming part of the cultural memory that was set down in the Iliad ca. 700 BCE. Shortly after the event of 1180 BCE, it was probably resettled by a population from the eastern Balkans. Greeks began moving into the area around Troy ca. 700 BCE. It was later ruled successively by Persia, Alexander the Great, Seleucid dynasty, Pergamum kingdom and Rome. It was finally a Byzantine settlement, and ultimately abandoned ca. 1350 CE.

Hisarlık (preferred,C,V)
Hissarlik (C,V)  ............ Turkish for the mound long known to house remains of ancient Ilion; identified as Troy by Charles McLaren 1822
Hisarlik (C,V)
Troy (C,O,English-P,U,N)  ............ ancient
Troya (C,O)
Troia (C,O)  ............ ancient Greek & Latin name; also is modern Italian name
Troja (C,O)  ............ ancient Latin name; is also modern German name
Troie (C,O)
Truva (C,V,Turkish,U)
Truva (Turkish (transliterated),U,N)
Troe (C,O)  ............ ancient Greek
Wilios (C,V)  ............ Late Bronze Age Greek name for the place
Wilusa (C,V)  ............ Late Bronze Age Hittite name for the place
Truvaharabesi (C,V,Turkish,U)
Ilion (H,V,Greek (transliterated),U,N)  ............ after Greek reoccupation, ca. 700 BC
Ilios (H,V)  ............ name used in the Iliad
Ilium (H,O)  ............ ancient Latin
Illion (H,O)
Illium (H,O)

Hierarchical Position:
Hierarchy of World (facet)    World (facet)
Hierarchy of Asia (continent)  ....  Asia (continent) (P)
Hierarchy of Turkey (nation)  ........  Turkey (nation) (P)
Hierarchy of Çanakkale (province)  ............  Çanakkale (province) (P)
Hierarchy of Troy (deserted settlement)  ................  Troy (deserted settlement) (P)

Place Types:
deserted settlement (preferred, C)  ............  occupied from Neolithic Age
archaeological site (C)
inhabited place (H)
Bronze Age (H)
ancient site (C)

Related geographic places:
near/adjacent to ....  Neandria .......... (deserted settlement)
..............................  (World, Asia, Turkey, Çanakkale) [7016610]

Sources and Contributors:
Hisarlik..........  [BHA, VP]
.................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
.................  USBGN: Foreign Gazetteers
Hisarlık..........  [VP Preferred]
.................  Trojan War, Archaeology (2004) 37
Hissarlik..........  [BHA, VP]
....................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948
Ilion..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
..............  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
..............  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948-949
..............  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
..............  Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (1979)
Ilios..........  [VP]
..............  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
..............  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948-949
Ilium..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
..............  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
..............  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..............  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948-949
..............  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Illion..........  [VP]
.................  ARLIS/NA: Ancient Site Names (1995)
Illium..........  [VP]
.................  ARLIS/NA: Ancient Site Names (1995)
Troe..........  [VP]
...........  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
Troia..........  [GRLPSC, VP]
..............  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
..............  Cassell's Italian Dictionary (1983) 453
..............  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..............  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948-949
..............  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Troie..........  [BHA, VP]
..............  Cassell's French Dictionary (1981) 572
Troja..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
..............  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
..............  Cassell's German Dictionary (1982) 1511
..............  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..............  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948-949
..............  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Troy..........  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
...........  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
...........  Columbia Encyclopedia (1975)
...........  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
...........  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948-949
...........  GRI Photo Archive, Authority File (1998) 8597
...........  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
...........  NIMA, GEOnet Names Server (1996-1998)
...........  Petit Robert II, Noms (1989)
Troya..........  [VP]
..............  Cassell's Spanish Dictionary (1990) 1061
Truva..........  [VP]
..............  Fodor's: Turkey (2004) accessed 3 May 2004
..............  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Truvaharabesi..........  [VP]
..........................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-)
Wilios..........  [VP]
.................  Trojan War, Archaeology (2004) 39
Wilusa..........  [VP]
.................  Trojan War, Archaeology (2004) 39
Subject: .....  [BHA, GRLPSC, VP]
..................  ARLIS/NA: Ancient Site Names (1995)
..................  Canby, Historic Places (1984) II, 949
..................  Cassell's French Dictionary (1981) 572
..................  Cassell's German Dictionary (1982) 1511
..................  Cassell's Italian Dictionary (1983) 453
..................  Cassell's Spanish Dictionary (1990) 1061
..................  Columbia Encyclopedia (1975)
..................  Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer (1961)
..................  Encyclopaedia Britannica (1988) XI, 948; XI, 948-949
..................  Fodor's: Turkey (2004) accessed 3 May 2004
..................  GRI Photo Archive, Authority File (1998) 8597
..................  NGA/NIMA database (2003-) -773703
..................  NIMA, GEOnet Names Server (1996-1998)
..................  Petit Robert II, Noms (1989)
..................  Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (1979)
..................  Trojan War, Archaeology (2004) 39; 37
..................  USBGN: Foreign Gazetteers
English .......... [VP]


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