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Modern Art in Los Angeles: Lee Mullican

Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Getty Center, Harold M. Williams Auditorium
Admission: Free; reservations required.

Hear Henry Hopkins, artists Tony Berlant and Lari Pittman, and Greenwood Press founder Jack Stauffacher discuss the art, teaching, and influence of artist Lee Mullican.

To honor Mullican's interest in spiritual traditions from around the world, a performance of Indian ragas by the Raga Ranjani Ensemble will follow the panel.

About Lee Mullican
Lee Mullican lived and worked in Los Angeles from 1952 until his death nearly 50 years later. He served for many years as a faculty member at the University of California at Los Angeles, where he was a mentor to some of the region's most important up-and-coming artists.

Mullican's work is characterized by an expressive use of color, layered textures, and geometric shapes. He sought the spiritual in art, drawing inspiration from sources as varied as Native American religions, Surrealism, Zen Buddhism, and jazz music.

As part of the artistic collective Dynaton, Mullican collaborated with Gordon Onslow Ford and Wolfgang Paalen to convey expansive metaphysical concepts; yet he also employed his skills as a mapmaker to ground his art in the physical world.

About This Event
This program is part of the Getty's ongoing Modern Art in Los Angeles series. It complements An Abundant Harvest of Sun, Mullican's first career retrospective, currently on view at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Space / Lee Mullican

How to Get Here
The Getty Center is located at 1200 Getty Center Drive in Los Angeles, California, approximately 12 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. See Hours, Directions, Parking for directions and parking information.