
Due to the current COVID-19 event, Getty is implementing temporary teleworking arrangements for employees whose job duties are conducive to working from home. This procedure covers equipment and supplies purchased for home use while teleworking during this event.

Equipment and Supplies at the Getty Center or Villa

Employees may retrieve their Getty equipment and supplies to bring home. Equipment examples include docking station, keyboard, mouse, and monitor(s). Do not attempt to bring home heavy or bulky items (e.g. chairs, sit-stand stations, computer towers, printers, copiers or fax machines). You must request access to a Getty location through your designated representative, who will then notify Security the details of your arrival. The hours of access are limited to Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Use the email template below to send an itemized list of equipment you move from your Getty office to your home or your telework location. Be sure to include Getty asset numbers (can be found on a small/silver tag on the asset) for all assets that have a number. For items that don't have number, just list them). You are responsible for disassembling, safe transport, and reassembling of the equipment. Please send the fully filled out form to your Department or Program Administrator.

Email Template

Subject: Move of Assigned Computer Equipment to Home
CC: <your supervisor>
To: GettyDigitalHelp@getty.edu

On mm/dd/yyyy, I obtained my manager's approval and moved the following equipment from my office to my home:

Monitor (asset number nnnnn)
Dock (asset number nnnnn)
Power supply
External drive (asset number nnnnn)

Equipment and Supply Purchases

Employees may request, subject to approval by your Department or Program Administrator, equipment and supplies for the home that will aid in productivity while teleworking. Arrangements should be made through the Department or Program Administrator so that it may be determined that the equipment and supplies meet Getty’s standards and how it will be purchased. For the time being we ask that you limit your equipment purchases to keyboards and mice. We ask that you hold off purchasing monitors and printers until Getty Digital has more time to develop a support plan for those items.

The preferred payment method is via Getty P-Card; however, personal credit card is allowed subject to reimbursement through the Business Expense process. It is preferred staff order through their Getty Amazon Business account. When completing the order and shipping to a non-Getty address, please complete the business justification field during Amazon checkout.


Employees are responsible for the proper care of all supplies, equipment, and/or materials provided by the J. Paul Getty Trust. All items remain property of the Getty and may not be used for personal or other than Getty use.

End of Assignment or Separation of Employment

The Getty reserves the right to change this arrangement at any time. Should this arrangement end or the employee separates from the Getty’s employment, all Getty-owned equipment/supplies must be returned as soon as practicable and as requested by the appropriate manager.