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4. Appendices






Appendix A: Diacritics





Diacritics in AAT, TGN, ULAN, and CONA



For the the Getty vocabularies, terms and scope notes may be contributed in any language or character set, provided the data is expressed in Unicode (Unicode Consortium, Unicode 7.0 (2014)). The data is published as Unicode.



Legacy data
The following chart lists the codes used to indicate diacritics in the legacy vocabulary data. Each code consists of the dollar sign ($) followed by two numbers. This code is placed before (in front of) the letter to which the diacritical mark applies. The same code can be applied to multiple letters. For example, if an acute accent should be applied to an a (á), it is recorded as $00a; if an acute accent should be applied to an e (é), it is recorded as $00e. In some cases, the code means that two diacritics are placed over the same character (e.g., $30). In other isolated cases, the code applies to two adjacent characters (e.g., $57, a digraph).





Diacritical Codes: Quick Reference







Diacritical Codes: Full List


Please consult the full list of diacritics and Unicode mapping as necessary.




Last updated 23 June 2015
Document is subject to frequent revisions



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