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3. Editorial Rules, continued






Identifying numbers, status flags, and subject sources

Included in this chapter







Subject ID (required default)


A number used to uniquely identify the record to the system.



Numbers are automatically assigned by the system in the following range: 300,000,000 - 599,999,999.



The Subject_ID displays at the top of the Subject Edit screen in VCS, in the hierarchy, and in other displays. The Subject_ID for each record is unique and permanent. Numbers for a given record change only if the record is merged with another record, when a new record is generated. Mappings between old numbers and new numbers are generated with the annual licensed files release.




  • The editor cannot edit the numbers. The rules followed by the system in producing them include the following: Numbers are assigned sequentially. Numbers of deleted records are not re-used. Numbers do not contain commas or any other punctuation.








Parent Key (required)



The unique ID of the immediate parent of the record.



Automatically generated by the system. When you link to the parent (which happens when you place the record in the hierarchy), the parent's ID is placed in the record: The range of numbers is the following: 300,000,000 - 599,999,999.



There may be multiple parents; the Parent Key for the preferred parent appears at the top of the Edit Subject record in VCS.




  • See Hierarchical relationships below for rules regarding how to assign or change parents (i.e., how to position records or move them in the hierarchy).

  • The editor cannot edit the numbers. The rules followed by the system in producing the numbers include the following: Numbers are assigned sequentially. Numbers of deleted records are not re-used. Numbers do not contain commas or any other punctuation.








Merged Status (required-default)



Flag indicating whether or not the record has been merged with one or more other records.



When records are merged by an editor, the flag is automatically set by the system: M - Merged, N - Not Merged.



  • For rules for merging, see 2.2 Merging Records above.






Published Status (required-default)


Flag indicating whether or not the record has been released in the licensed files.


Automatically assigned by the system: P - Published, N - Not Published



  • Rules apply to the system only; editors cannot edit this flag. A new record is labeled as "Unpublished." Once a record has been included in one of the annual releases, the system automatically switches this value to "Published."




Review Status (required-default)


Flag indicating the stage in the editorial process that the record has reached.


Values are drawn from a short controlled list. Some values are automatically assigned by the system. The editors should assign others as instructed in the rules below. Editors can overwrite automatically assigned values if necessary (consult with your supervisor before doing so).

  • NC - New Candidate, NW - New VP, AC - Accepted Candidate, HD - Holding, IP - In Process, RV - Reviewed, AP - Approved, FN - Finished



  • NC - New Candidate: Automatically assigned. Status of a record that has been loaded as a candidate but not moved from the candidate hierarchy ("temp.parent"). Also assigned when an editor creates a new record in a candidate hierarchy.

  • AC - Accepted Candidate: Automatically assigned. Status assigned when a record is moved from a candidate hierarchy to the publishable hierarchies.

  • NW - New VP: Automatically assigned when a record is created in the publishable hierarchies of VCS. Designates a record created by the Vocabulary Program.

  • HD - Holding: Automatically assigned when a record is moved from the publishable hierarchy into a candidate hierarchy.

  • IP - In Process: To be decided.

  • RV - Reviewed: To be decided.

  • FN - Finished: First step in approval process for a section of the hierarchy. Assigned by an editor to a nation or continent. Indicates that the records in this section of the hierarchy (i.e., the hierarchical descendents of this record) have been okayed prior to the annual publication of files for licensing.

  • AP - Approved: Second step in approval process for a section of the hierarchy. Assigned by a designated editor to a nation or continent that had earlier been flagged as "finished." Indicates that the records in this section of the hierarchy (i.e., the hierarchical descendents of this record) have been double-checked prior to the annual publication of files for licensing.




Record Type (required-default)


Flag indicating the general type of entity described in the record.


Flags come from a short controlled list: P - Person, C - Corporate Body, [CG - Cultural Group -- coming soon], G - Guide Term, F - Facet



  • P - Person: An individual, whether or not identified by name (e.g., named people and anonymous masters).

  • C - Corporate Body: A group of people working together, whether or not incorporated (e.g., museums, studios, workshops, firms).

  • [CG - Cultural Group: Designations for which individuals are not known, but the creator or other actor is known by cultural affiliation (e.g., unknown Hopi). As of this writing, not yet implemented in ULAN.]

  • G - Guide Term:A sub-facet, directly under the facet level.

  • F - Facet:Refers to the top of a facet, which is one of the major divisions of the ULAN: Corporate Bodies, Non-Artists, Persons, Artists, Unidentified Named People, and Unknown People by Culture.






Candidate Status (required-default)


Flag indicating if the record is a Candidate or not. A Candidate record is a record that has been submitted for publication in the AAT, but has not yet been processed/okayed by the editors.


Automatically generated by the system: C - Candidate, N - Non Candidate


This flag is used to distinguish Candidate records from publishable records (Non-Candidate); therefore, this flag ultimately indicates whether or not the record will be published. Only Non-Candidate records are published. Candidate records are new records, either added by VP under a candidate hierarchy (temp.parent) or loaded by the VCS Loader.



  • The rules are imposed by the system. Editors cannot change this flag.

  • If the record has a parent or other ancestor that is a temp.parent, the record is a Candidate. If it is in a publishable section of the hierarchy, it is a Non-Candidate.






Label (required-default)


Concatenated string used to give a brief identification of the concept in a form intelligible to end users.


Free text. Use Unicode characters and, if required, numbers. In ULAN, values are generated by the editorial system or algorithm.


Various fields in the target subject record are the sources for values in the Label.




A label is a brief description of the ULAN record to be used in results lists and other displays of ULAN data.

While the Subject_ID uniquely identifies the record from a systems perspective, the Label identifies the ULAN record and distinguishes it from similar recordss for human readers in results lists and various other displays.


RULES for Label



Minimum Requirements

Required-default: The Editor cannot edit the Label directly. In VCS, it is created by the system or other algorithm from fielded data..



Elements of the ULAN Label

    Implementors should construct the Label using the following fields in the order indicated below.

    1. The record-preferred name for the ULAN record (e.g., Wren, Christopher). The record-preferred name will be in inverted order, if an inverted-order name is appropriate for the record. Alternatively, choose the name flagged as the Display name, for the name in natural order rather than inverted order.

    2. The Qualifier in parentheses, if any.

    3. The preferred Display Biography (e.g., English architect, 1632-1723).

    4. The ULAN Subject_ID, in square brackets (e.g., 500115492).

    • Example
    • Wren, Christopher (English architect, 1632-1723) [ULAN 500115492]





Contributors for the Subject Record (required)


A reference to the institutions or projects that contributed information to the record as a whole.


Controlled by a link to a file of controlled terminology; the list changes as new contributors are added. See Appendix C: Contributors and Citations.


Contributors are linked to the Terms, Scope Note, and - in this field - to the Subject record as a whole.

  • This field generally (but not always) comprises the sum of all the contributors linked to Terms and Scope Note; in addition, it may include some contributors not also linked to Terms or Scope Note.

  • Currently in the AAT, VP is generally the only contributor (this will change as data from other contributors is loaded).



  • The default Contributor is VP (Vocabulary Program). Editors may change other contributors' initials only in very rare cases. If you feel it is necessary to add a contributor other than VP or to change a link from one contributor to another, consult with your supervisor.

      • Example

  • If you are adding data to a field that is not linked to a contributor (that is, to any field other than Terms or Scope Note), such as Associative Relationships, be certain that your contributor initials (VP) are included as Subject Contributors. If they have not been added automatically by VCS, add them by hand.




Sources for the Subject Record (required)


A reference to the sources used for information included in the record as a whole.


Values are controlled by the Sources file in VCS. A source must be added to the Source file in order to be used in (linked to) the Subject (concept) record. For a discussion of how to add sources to the Sources file, see Appendix C: Sources.


Sources are linked to the Terms, Scope Note, and - in this field - to the Subject record as a whole.

  • This field often (but not always) comprises the sum of all the sources linked to Terms and Scope Note; in addition, it may include some sources not also linked to Terms or Scope Note.



  • It is required to cite the sources used for a field that is not linked to a contributor (that is, to any field other than Terms or Scope Note), such as Coordinates or Associative Relationships. This is particularly crucial when the added information is important and when the source is not already listed as a source anywhere else in the record (i.e., not linked to Terms or Scope Note).

  • In the Page Field, it is required to cite the volume, page number, date of accessing a Web site, or other appropriate indication of the specific location where the name was found in the source. For the AAT, note if the term was pre-coordinated in the source.

      • Examples


  • If there are multiple editions or multiple publication dates for a source, link to the specific source that you are using.




1"Required-default" indicates that a default is automatically set; some defaults are editable and should be changed by the cataloguer as necessary. Others are system-generated and cannot be changed.


Last updated 18 December 2015
Document is subject to frequent revisions


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