1. Controlled Vocabularies in Context
2. What Are Controlled Vocabularies?
3. Relationships in Controlled Vocabularies
4. Vocabularies for Cultural Objects
5. Using Multiple Vocabularies
6. Local Authorities
7. Constructing a Vocabulary or Authority
8. Indexing with Controlled
9. Retrieval Using Controlled Vocabularies
Appendix: Selected Vocabularies and Other Sources for Terminology
Selected Bibliography
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Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies


I wish to thank Murtha Baca for her lasting support, thoughtful guidance, and expert editing. I am also grateful to Joan Cobb, Gregg Garcia, Marcia Zeng, and Karim Boughida, who provided invaluable advice on the technical aspects of this book. I extend sincere thanks to the indefatigable Getty Vocabulary Program editors Antonio Beecroft, Ming Chen, Robin Johnson, and Jonathan Ward, who proofed the manuscript and provided important feedback.

Finally, thanks go to the scores of earlier vocabulary editors and users of the Getty vocabularies, who have provided countless insights and advice over the last three decades.

Patricia Harpring