Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and “The Visions of Tondal”
Edited by Thomas Kren
272 pages
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Presented at a symposium held in 1990 to celebrate the Getty Museum’s acquisition of the only known illuminated copy of The Visions of Tondal, twenty essays address the celebrated bibliophilic activity of Margaret of York; the career of Simon Marmion, a favorite artist of the Burgundian court; and The Visions of Tondal in relation to illustrated visions of the Middle Ages. Contributors include Maryan Ainsworth, Wim Blockmans, Walter Cahn, Albert Derolez, Peter Dinzelbacher, Rainald Grosshans, Sandra Hindman, Martin Lowry, Nigel Morgan, and Nigel Palmer.
Table of Contents
John Walsh -
Preface and Acknowledgements
Thomas Kren -
Frequently Cited Sources
Thomas Kren -
The Devotion of a Lonely Duchess
Wim Blockmans -
Margaret of York and the Burgundian Portrait Tradition
Jeffery Chipps Smith -
Some Remarks on the Character and Content of the Library of Margaret York
Pierre Cockshaw -
Texts of Devotion and Religious Instruction Associated with Margaret of York
Nigel Morgan -
The Apocalypse of Margaret of York
Suzanne Lewis -
Margaret of York’s Guide to the Pilgrimage Churches of Rome
Walter Cahn -
A Renaissance Manuscript in the Hands of Margaret of York
Albert Derolez -
Sister or Country Cousin? The Huntington Recuyell and the Getty Tondal
Martin Lowry -
The Latin Visio Tnugdali and Its French Translations
Peter Dinzelbacher -
Margaret of York’s Visions of Tondal: Relationship of the Miniatures to a Text Transformed by a Translator and Illuminator
Roger Wieck -
Image Follows Text? The Visions of Tondal and Its Relationship to Depictions of Hell and Purgatory in Fifteenth�Century Illuminated Manuscripts
Dagmar Eichberger -
Some Illuminated Manuscripts of The Vision of Lazarus from the Time of Margaret of York
Thomas Kren -
Illustrated Printed Editions of The Visions of Tondal from the Late Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries
Nigel F. Palmer -
The Louthe Master and the Marmion Case
Antoine de Schryver -
The Contribution of Simon Marmion to Books of Hours from Ghent and Bruges
Bodo Brinkmann -
The Chronology of the Louthe Master and His Identification with Simon Marmion
Gregory T. Clark -
The Master of Antoine Rolin: A Hainaut Illuminator Working in the Orbit of Simon Marmion
Anne-Marie Legaré -
Two Leaves from an Unknown Breviary: The Case for Simon Marmion
Sandra Hindman -
Simon Marmion and the Saint Bertin Altarpiece: Notes on the Genesis of the Painting
Rainald Grosshans -
New Observations on the Working Technique in Simon Marmion’s Panel Paintings
Maryan W. Ainsworth -
Appendix: The Library of Margaret of York and Some Related Books
Kurtis A. Barstow - Index
About the Authors
Thomas Kren is curator of manuscripts at the J. Paul Getty Museum.