Stepping Stones / Marel Pryor

Stepping Stones

By Marel Pryor

In my self-portrait, I wanted to capture who I am as a person. I felt that having objects that represented aspects of my life was the best and most expressive way to do so. The cup was a gift from Debbie Allen's Hot Chocolate Nutcracker, which I have participated in for the past five years. It also ties into another part of the portrait, my leg and at the end the pointe shoe. These components represent my creative side, because I am a dancer, and dance is considered an art form which requires an enormous amount of discipline. The book represents my nerdy side and exposes me for the bookworm that I am. I have had a passion for reading and a constant thirst for knowledge for as long as I can remember. The last component is my track shoe which represents my athletic side. Even before I started dancing, I had always been athletic. My leg stretching across the picture is the glue that ties my creative, athletic, and scholarly sides together, making the composition as a whole fluid and dynamic. These elements not only express who I am as a person, but they also helped me flourish and mature into the young lady that I currently am. This portrait is titled Stepping Stones. The qualities that make up someone's personality are also the very things that help one grow as a person, especially if those qualities have been with you since you were little.