Broken Hands / Gracie Globerman

Broken Hands

By Gracie Globerman

As you look at a person's hands, you can infer a lot about what they do and who they are. Are they working hands? Are they manicured? Although what is shown on the outside is the first thing one notices and judges about a person, what is on the inside is what matters and what should shine. This image includes two interpretations of one main idea. When analyzing the details of the hands, one can infer many things about me. The sparkle of the rings interrupted by the rough calluses on the palm paint a picture of my life, yet my story is not complete. The shadow is blank and unrecognizable. Nothing can be said about me looking at that part of the image, but maybe that is what's best. The most important thing about a being is within the depths of that individual and must be discovered through getting to know the person.