The Rage / Alondra Rodriguez

The Rage

By Alondra Rodriguez

This art piece is filled with frustration, unhappiness and dissatisfaction. I drew geometric shapes with rough edges to show the struggle of being perfect. The image is the shadow of a racket with shells placed on top. The triangle that goes across the page is where I folded the cyano paper before exposing it to the sun. Because the shells were on top of the tennis racket, the details were not clear. The pencil lines cross out some of the images created with the cyanotype. They were drawn roughly on top of the cyanotype to represent the frustration. The color palette on this art piece was chosen without thought. The yellow square on the top left corner is supposed to be butter because after feeling all of this anger, I thought of a waffle with butter. In this society, people are pressured into being perfect. However, it is a struggle to become the perfect person because people always expect more.