We Are Not a Minority / Javier Montanez

We Are Not a Minority

By Javier Montanez

The photograph I took exemplifies Mexican culture. I took this photo because the mural captured my attention by how it expresses Mexican culture in society. I feel it is something that should be recognized and respected by everyone.

The fence plays a key role in the photograph because it represents a force in front of the mural; the painting is trying to escape from discrimination and a corrupt society. The message behind the fence creates a sense that we are all equal to one another. The man's expression has a direct approach, as if he's referring to you. The letters in the painting also have a powerful message that explains how people have power and would like to get their voices out and heard by everyone. The layers of the photograph create a sense of rise: The photograph starts from the ground and moves its way up the painting. The colors in the photograph represent unity, harmony, and coming together. It's a peaceful painting, yet very demanding and striving for equality.