Related Materials

Museum Lighting: Striking the Right Balance

Articles in the GCI newsletter
Sustainability and Collections (Spring 2011)
Lighting Workshop (Summer 2007)
Illuminating Alternatives: Research in Museum Lighting (Spring 2004)
Museum Lighting Meeting (Spring 2003)

Getty Staff Publications
Beltram, V., Druzik, J., and S. Maekawa, "Large-scale assessment of light-induced color change in air and anoxic environments", Studies in Conservation, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2012, 42-57.

Dirk, C., Delgado, M., Olguin, M., and J. Druzik, "A prism-grating-prism spectral imaging approach," Studies in Conservation, 2010.

Dirk, C., J. Druzik, Delgado, M., and N. WestFall, "Lighting the world’s treasures: approaches to safer museum lighting," COLOR: Research and Application, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2011, 238-254.

Druzik, J., "Oriel microfading tester (MFT): a brief description", Textile Specialty Group Postprints, Volume 20, 2010

Druzik, J., and B. Eshoj, "Museum lighting: it's past and future development," In Museum Microclimates, ed. T. Padfield and K. Borchersen, National Museum of Denmark, 2007, 51-56.

Druzik, J., and C. Pesme, "Comparison of five microfading tester (MFT) designs", Textile Specialty Group Postprints, Volume 20, 2010

Druzik, J., and S. Michalski, "Guidelines for selecting solid-state lighting for museums", The Getty Conservation Institute, 2012.

Lerwill, Andrew J. "Micro-Fading Spectrometry: An Investigation into the Display of Traditional Watercolour Pigments In Anoxia." PhD diss., Nottingham Trent University. 2012.

Miller, N., and J. Druzik, "Demonstration of LED retrofit lamps at an exhibition of 19th century photography at the Getty Museum", Final report prepared in support of the U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting Technology Demonstration GATEWAY Program under U.S. Department of Energy contract DE-AC05-76RL01830, February 2012, 50 pages.

Pearlstein E., Druzik, J., Pesme, C., Riedler, R., Gleeson, M. (2011). A Collaborative Study of Native California featherwork. WAAC Newsletter Volume 33 Number 2 May 2011.

Pearlstein E., Druzik, J., Pesme, C., Riedler, R. and Gleeson, M. (2011). Anthropological preventive conservation: fading assessment on works of feathers. The Ethnographic Conservation Newsletter of the Working Group on Ethnographic Materials of the ICOM Committee for Conservation (31):4.

Pearlstein E., Riedler, R., Gleeson, M., Pesme, C., Druzik, J. (2011). A Collaborative Study of Native California featherwork. ICOM-CC Lisbon 2011: Preprints : 16th Triennal Conference, Lisbon, 19-25 September 2011: Cultural Heritage: Cultural Identity- The Role of Conservation, ed. Janet Bridgland, Lisbon: Criterio- Producao Grafica, Lda.

Pesme, C., Riedler, R., Druzik, J., Gleeson, M., Pearlstein E., Evaluating light accelerated aging methods and visual examination for assessing color change in feathers. JAIC ( Submitted)

Riedler, R., Druzik, J., Gleeson, M., Pearlstein, E., Pesme, C. (2011). Das Museum, die Vogelfeder und der Streit ums Light - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Farbmessung und kuenstlichen Lichtalterung von Federfarben. Restauro. 7/2011:30-35.

Riedler, R., Pesme, C., Druzik, J., Gleeson, M., Pearlstein, E. A review of color producing mechanisms in feathers and their influence on preventive conservation strategies. JAIC (forthcoming).

Supporting Publications
Arney, J.S., Jacobs, A.J., and R. Newman, "The influence of oxygen on the fading of organic colorants", JAIC 18, 108-117, 1979.

Cuttle, C., "A proposal to reduce the exposure to light of museum objects without reducing illuminance of the level of satisfaction of museum visitors", J. Am. Inst. for Conservation, 39, 229-244, 2000.

de Hoyo-Meléndez, Julio M. and Marion F. Mecklenburg. 2011a. "An Investigation of the Reciprocity Principle of Light Exposure Using Microfading Spectrometry." Spectroscopy Letters 44 (1) : 52-62. doi: 10.1080/00387010903508572

de Hoyo-Meléndez, Julio M. and Marion F. Mecklenburg. 2011b. "The Use of Mico-Fading Spectrometry to Evaluate the Light Fastness of Materials in Oxygen-Free Environments." Sepctroscopy Letters 44 (2) : 113-121. doi 10.1080/00387011003786050

Schaeffer, Terry, T. Effects of Light on Materials in Collections: Data on Photoflash and Related Sources. Getty Conservation Institute. 2001

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Page updated: August 2019