Orpheus Mosaic

Conservation of this important floor mosaic that included lifting it by rolling it onto a drum, a new support, and replacement in situ

Project Details

A person uses a sponge to clean part of the Orpheus Mosaic in Paphos, Cyprus

Photo: Guillermo Aldana

Demetrios Michaelides of the Cyprus Department of Antiquities cleans the Orpheus figure in the mosaic



The Orpheus mosaic, an ancient floor mosaic in the House of Orpheus at Nea Paphos, was hidden from view until its excavation in 1984. It had begun to sag and sink in places because the House of Orpheus was built on the remains of an earlier structure. A conservation strategy was needed to stabilize the mosaic, prevent further collapse, and prevent damage from humans, animals, plants, and weather. The Conservation Institute partnered with the Department of Antiquities in Cyprus to develop a way to conserve the mosaic.


As part of its long-term interest in the preservation of mosaics in situ, the Getty Conservation Institute, working with the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, undertook the conservation of the Orpheus Mosaic, one of several mosaics located in the archaeological zone at Paphos. The mosaic is part of the remains of a Roman villa that dates back to the late 2nd or early 3rd century.
