Training for Sustainable Collection Care

A professional development program addressing new challenges in determining appropriate collection environments

Project Details

People talk to each other while sitting at long tables with laptops on them



Training for Sustainable Collection Care seeks to provide ongoing access to information on the latest preventive conservation research, practical methodologies, and tools through a program of training and information dissemination, to empower mid-career conservators to play a more active role as a key-stakeholder in the debate about sustainable strategies for museums.


  • "Changing Climate Management Strategies" course offered in 2023 and 2024
  • "Evaluating Risks, Monitoring, and Data Analysis for Art in Transit" workshop offered in 2022
  • "Facilitating Decision-making Through Analysis of Temperature and Relative Humidity Data" workshop in 2020 and 2022
  • "Preserving Collections in the Age of Sustainability" course offered in 2017 and 2019–2020
  • "Master Class on Museum Lighting" offered in 2016
  • Increased awareness of sustainable collection care practices by those attending trainings
  • Ongoing access to information on the latest preventive conservation research, practical methodologies, and tools for participants through training and information dissemination
  • Improved communication between related professionals, such as conservation scientists, engineers, architects, facility managers, conservators, curators, and directors
  • A sense of community among participants and instructors creating opportunities for them to network, collaborate, and share their experiences and ideas



Project Team

Vincent Laudato Beltran, Scientist; Alexandra Bridarolli, Associate Scientist, Ashely Amanda Freeman, Associate Scientist; Naoki Fujisawa, Scientist; Michał Łukomski, Senior Scientist; Cecilia Winter, Senior Project Specialist


Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; European Congress of Registrar;, American Institute for Conservation; Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Brussels; Lunder Conservation Center at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington DC; National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC